WordPress Development Services

We are a globally renowned WordPress development agency with best-in-class developers offering end-to-end WordPress development services. We are specialized in WordPress integration, optimization, SEO, custom themes, plugins, widget integration, migration, and support. We are a one-stop solution for your custom WordPress development projects.

Hire Developers

Most Preferred WordPress Development Company

C-Metric is a top-notch WordPress design and development company, working closely with all shapes and sizes of businesses worldwide to meet their end customers’ demands and complex WordPress project requirements. We have talented WordPress and WooCommerce developers with enough WordPress skills and knowledge to make your project idea a reality.

Leverage the expertise of our WordPress programmers, having a deep understanding of widely used technologies like PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop profitable, customizable, and outstanding WordPress solutions within your budget and timeline.

Our Custom WordPress Development Services

Custom WordPress Web development

Build a secure, scalable, and responsive web app with the help of our skilled and experienced WordPress website developers. We can help you create customized and cutting-edge WordPress web development solutions compatible with the latest version to meet your business objective.

WordPress Theme and Plugin development

Outsource our seasoned WordPress developers with in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in building cost-effective plugins and creating fully compatible custom WordPress themes aligned with modern trends.

PSD to WordPress

Our certified WooCommerce experts are well-versed in converting your PSD designs into responsive and feature-rich WordPress websites. Choose us to design your WordPress website that provides a seamless end-user experience.

WordPress eCommerce development

We at C-Metric hold a pool of expert WordPress eCommerce developers offering high-quality WordPress eCommerce web development services to create secure, reliable, and high-performing online stores as per their business requirements.

WordPress migration services

Partner with the best WordPress website development company to migrate your website from WordPress to any other CMS or vice-versa. Our WordPress migration experts offer high-quality migration services to businesses of all shapes and sizes worldwide.

WordPress CMS development

We use the capabilities of WordPress as a CMS to create bespoke, scalable, and secure web solutions that align with your business needs. Leverage our WordPress CMS development services designed to provide you with solutions that can help you accomplish your business objectives on time and within budget.

Build Your Website with Our WordPress Development Team

Engage with Our WordPress Development Team or Individual at Your Ease

We at C-Metric have full-stack WordPress experts who design and develop quick, safe, and user-friendly websites for various businesses across industries. Our full-stack WordPress team has an average experience of 3 to 6 years in providing effective and strong solutions to startups, SMEs, and large enterprises. Get in touch with us to build inventive, custom, and dynamic business solutions.

Our WordPress Tech Stack


PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Nginx, JavaScript, Apache, Ajax


NewsPaper, Pofo, Divi, Uncode, TheGEM, Stockholm, Asta, OceanWP, Indigo, Parallax, Spencer, Avada, Porto, Blaszok, Hearty

WordPress Plugins

Jetpack, Elementor, Contact Form 7, iThemes Security, WooCommerce, Advanced Custom Fields, Sucuri Security, WordPress Gallery Plugin, Ocean Extra, WPBakery Page builder, Visual Composer, GiveWP, YITH


WP Fastest Cache, WP Rocket, Autoptimize, WP Super Cache, Smush, Jetpack, W3 Total Cache, Yoast, Imagify


Docker, Heroku, Flywheel, Bluehost, Hostinger, AWS Kinsta, SiteGround, WP Engine

Payment Gateways

Stripe, Paypal, MPGS, Razorpay, PayTM, GPay, Whatsapp Pay,Amazon Pay, Authorize.Net, Custom Payment Gateway Integration with banks API

WordPress Development is an Ideal Choice For-

Small Businesses

When you want to scale your business reachability, we let you onboard WordPress experts from us to build interactive products to enhance your digital presence.

eCommerce Store Using WooCommerce

In search of assistance to market your products online through a bespoke eCommerce store? Look no further than us. We are the prime selection to work with in creating a characteristic-packed eCommerce website using WooCommerce.

WordPress for SMEs

WordPress-powered websites are versatile and highly adaptable, making them an ideal choice for constructing economical enterprise solutions. Access our WordPress team to create first-rate enterprise-grade solutions.

Work with Our WordPress Development Team

We have the expertise to take care of your unique requirements


I am not a techie. Would you please help me understand how my project and developers will be managed?
Don’t worry at all. Over the past 2 years, we have been successfully serving global clients with varied backgrounds. We will assign you a technical project manager with a verified work history that helps you to understand that how to track the progress of the project in one place.
What's the quickest approach to leverage WordPress services from your specialists?
All you have to do is complete the contact form on our website. Within 24 hours, one of our experts will contact you to discuss your project requirements. After we have all the necessary project-related details, we will arrange a technical consultation with our WordPress development team. Depending on the scope of your project, you can engage our dedicated WordPress professionals on a full-time, part-time, or hourly basis.
Can I have developers available according to my time zone?
Yes, you can. Before onboarding the developer for your project, we make sure that your hired resources are available to work according to your time zone.
What is the average experience of your Word Press developer?
On average, our WordPress developers have over 5 years of experience. They possess comprehensive knowledge and skills in catering to businesses of all types and sizes. Additionally, we offer the opportunity to engage certified WooCommerce experts.
Do you sign a Service Agreement to absolute my ownership?
Yes, we make sure that you will have 100% ownership of your project. That’s why we sign MSA (Master Service Agreement) with you to keep your source code, copyright, and intellectual property rights safe and secured. Rest assured; we do not reuse the code.

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