Ruby on Rails (ROR)

On the cutting edge of technology, C-Metric enables you to embrace one of the most advanced Web application platforms – Ruby on Rails (RoR), to build your ‘next big thing’ or implement your ‘great idea’ into a modern Web platform.

Whether you want to build a community marketplace like Airbnb; or a video website like Hulu or FunnyOrDie; or an information repository like GitHub; or product promotion marketplace like Groupon; RoR has proved to be the right tool for the job. And with the knowledge, experience and expertise of Team C-Metric, you can make your dream a reality.

Are You Looking For a Ruby on Rails (RoR) Technology Partner?

If you are, then you have come to the right place. As a trusted software development company with extensive RoR capability, we have partnered with start-ups to multi-national organizations wanting to enter into a new market, and provided an experienced team of developers.

Why RoR?

  • Simplicity and speed of ‘convention over configuration’
  • Rich, template based multi-paradigm rapid development
  • Unparalleled flexibility of RoR that allows changes to template classes and methods
  • Broad-scope integrated approach from front-end JavaScript, back-end databases to external systems with API
  • Fastest go-to-market strategy from minimum viable product (MVP) to full scale platform

Why C-Metric?

  • We work with you as your technology partner and an extension of your team
  • We provide a dedicated team of experienced Ruby developers
  • We build a dedicated team for you and provide easy access to a complete team with Business Analyst, front-end Designers, and QA/Testers
  • You can easily scale up or down this team for an on time delivery within budget
  • Cost benefit of global team without compromising on the quality

We Provide a Full Technology Stack

  • Development and Versioning tools like Jira, Basecamp, GitHub, Sinatra, HAML, Heroku, R-Spec and more
  • RDBMS like MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, Oracle and Big Data like MongoDB
  • Deployment on cloud servers like Amazon S3 and Google Cloud
  • Integration and customization of 3rd party Gems such as payment gateways and merchandise shippers
  • We will develop attractive front-end designs using JavaScript, Ajax Libraries, AngularJS and NodeJS
  • API support for Mobile apps and Bootstrap and Kendo UI for Responsive (Mobile friendly) user interface

Agile Methodology

  • Our team follows agile software development methods and Test Driven Development (TDD) that forms the core of a Ruby-based web portal development. We will define weekly or bi-weekly sprints and daily stand-up meetings over Skype or Google Hangout or GoToMeeting. This collaborative approach to software development helps your go to market strategy, early feedback from stakeholders, and quick adaptation by users.

Our Services at a Glance

  • Extensible and scalable solutions
  • Customized web development services
  • Agile, test driven development process
  • Cloud server deployment
  • API Support for Mobile Apps
  • Ongoing support for continuous enhancement

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