Cloud Application Development Services

Leverage our full-cycle cloud app development services to manage, migrate, and modernize your cloud solutions. Our cloud app development experts are well-versed in building reliable, scalable, and robust market-leading solutions tailored to your specific business needs.

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Transform Your Business with an Experienced Cloud App Development Company

C-Metric is a globally renowned cloud app development company that offers cloud computing as a service to help clients build an app from scratch by leveraging SaaS & PaaS models. As a cloud application development company, we have successfully served businesses of all sizes and across geographies. With over 02 decades of experience offering end-to-end cloud development services from tech consulting to development and deployment to maintenance & support.

Our cloud experts combine strong technical knowledge to support you in migrating your applications & workloads to virtualized environments. Our team can assist in developing custom cloud applications and deploying them on reliable platforms such as Google Cloud, AWS, and Microsoft Azure. Our cloud computing experts are skilled in migrating applications to virtualized environments. Additionally, we are well-versed in creating SaaS products and cloud solutions using technologies like Python, .NET, Node.JS & Java on AWS or Azure.

Cloud Application Development Services We Offer

To enhance business agility, reduce operational costs, and simplify IT complexity, it’s essential to engage with cloud app development services provider with the right mix of technical expertise and industry knowledge. By partnering with C-Metric, you gain access to these essential elements. Our collective experience in facilitating the transition to the cloud empowers businesses to achieve desirable outcomes.

Cloud Consulting

Our cloud consulting services provide a comprehensive assessment of your project requirements and current infrastructure to develop effective implementation strategies. We aim to help businesses become more agile and responsive by addressing the evolving market landscape. Through our data-driven analysis of suitable deployment models, we ensure a seamless transition across the strategic and developmental phases.

  • Cloud Strategy Development
  • Cloud Readiness Assessment
  • Cloud Migration Assessment
  • Implementation Assessment

Cloud Application Development

Leverage the potential of SaaS with our result-oriented custom cloud application development services. Our cloud engineers are well-versed in designing and developing solutions that are secure, scalable, and efficiently built while optimizing the user experience. We make use of private, public, and hybrid cloud services to maximize profitability and enhance your business’s ROI. Our expertise includes developing cloud-native apps for managing and automating experiences across cloud environments. Additionally, we offer assistance in modernizing apps for cloud migration and hybrid apps for seamless operation between cloud platforms and on-premises servers, all while maintaining app quality and security.

  • Architecture Design & Development
  • Cloud-native App Development
  • Hybrid App Development
  • SaaS-based App Development

Cloud Integration

We enhance business productivity by integrating applications, processes, databases, and network resources. Our services cover on-premises to cloud and cloud to cloud integration, optimizing your application’s capabilities. Our team ensures smooth data flow across systems using a mix of proprietary and third-party software. This approach minimizes errors and provides flexibility. We focus on improving the reliability, robustness, and cost-effectiveness of your infrastructure to support operational efficiency.

  • Cloud Service Integration
  • Cloud Data Integration
  • Cloud Process Integration
  • Cloud Application Integration

Cloud Migration & Re-engineering

Move your legacy applications to a microservices-powered cloud-native architecture to gain flexibility, scalability, and computing power. Our experienced cloud development team specializes in migration, modern infrastructure setup, application refactoring, and agile development processes. We collaborate with you to create and execute a cloud migration strategy tailored to your business requirements. Through a customer-centric approach, we evaluate, enhance, upgrade, and migrate your entire system, enabling you to meet evolving market demands effectively.

  • Legacy App Modernization
  • Infrastructure Migration
  • Data & Services Migration

Cloud Managed Services

Enhance business operations by streamlining complex IT processes to boost transparency and performance. We collaborate closely with your IT team and major cloud platform providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud to manage the full solution stack with a single point of accountability. This includes handling infrastructure, configuration, and application relocation through a variety of managed services. Our approach allows businesses to fully leverage the benefits of cloud applications in a reliable and supported environment.

  • Infrastructure Maintenance and Monitoring
  • PaaS – Compute, Database, Storage
  • Cloud Optimization

Cloud Maintenance & Support

As a seasoned cloud development company, we actively monitor and upkeep your application’s performance using well-established tools. We focus on three key areas of service quality – monitoring, addressing issues, and management to guarantee optimal performance of your application. With dedicated service level agreements for support and maintenance, we oversee issue resolution and help in combating cybersecurity threats to prioritize the security of your business data consistently.

  • Performance Optimization
  • Application & Middleware Server Management
  • Managed Storage & Database Service

Work with the best cloud computing team

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Our Battle-Tested Expertise in Emerging Cloud Computing Models

Public cloud

We at C-Metric have a skilled team of cloud architects with extensive experience deploying
a public cloud for small, medium, and large businesses to launch scalable solutions without any infrastructure provisioning and maintenance hassle.

Private cloud

Our expert cloud engineering team can help businesses across industries deploy private cloud so that they can process and store sensitive data securely, keep business operations under control, and achieve wider opportunities for customization.

Hybrid cloud

When it comes to supporting necessary applications, data, and infrastructure most cost-effectively, a hybrid cloud is a one-stop solution. We help all shapes and sizes of businesses to effectively deploy hybrid clouds while maintaining company structure and business requirements.

Our Technology Stack


Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Open Stack, Cloud Foundry


Cucumber, Apache Meter, ReSharper, RSpect, TestRail, QASymphony


ELA Stack, New Relic, AWS CloudWatch, Sensu, AppDynamics

Other Tools

Git, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Cloud SDK, FireBase, App Engineer, BigQuery, Cloud Build

Engage with A Leading Cloud Computing Company!

We have the expertise to take care of your unique requirements


Do you sign SLA? How secure is my idea with you?
Your million-dollar business idea is 100% secure with us. It’s been 26 years since we have been serving businesses of all shapes and sizes, and we very much understand the importance of protecting your business idea. That’s the reason we sign Master Service Agreement as well as NDA.
How much experience does your average team member have as a cloud developer?
The average experience of our team of cloud developers is 3 to 6 years. Our team is well-versed in serving emerging cloud services. This helps us to serve a broader range of entrepreneurs.
Will you be able to make developers available according to my time zone?
We try our level best to serve you based on your time preference. Our Scrum Master makes sure that your hire team’s working hours are aligned according to your time zone
How can I leverage the expertise of your cloud computing team?
All you need to do is to fill up the contact us form from our website. Our expert will contact you ASAP to understand your project requirement. Once we gather all your information, we provide options for scheduling interviews with our team of cloud developers. You can engage with our cloud computing team from us full-time, part-time, or on retainer.
Can you ensure about the backup resource if my existing developer is unavailable due to an emergency or decides to move with any other organization?
Do not worry at all; we take care of all the necessary provisions to safeguard your business in such a situation.

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