Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing and Cloud Computing Models

What is Cloud Computing and Cloud Computing Models

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources and economies of...

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing In today’s world it is imperative to have presence of IT in all the organizational processes in order to operate at optimum level. This also results in incurring the cost for development of IT infrastructure in the respective organization according to...
Top 5 Most Common Uses of Cloud Computing

Top 5 Most Common Uses of Cloud Computing

Uses of Cloud computing has been time and again attributed with swelling competitiveness by means of augmented flexibility, cost reduction, and ideal resource consumption. Here are some of the scenarios of where uses of cloud computing services are readily utilized to...
8 Tips to Keep Your Data Secure on the Cloud

8 Tips to Keep Your Data Secure on the Cloud

Big inventions call for bigger precautions. Here we are talking about the Cloud Data Storage Concept. The advancements in this software have resulted in several threats like PC monitoring software, malware, key loggers that call for additional security for the...
Benefits of Cloud Computing – Know the Ways to Make it Secure

Benefits of Cloud Computing – Know the Ways to Make it Secure

In layman’s term, Cloud Computing is a type of computing which is based on internet. It has eliminated the need of downloading applications or programs on a physical computer or server as it facilitates accessing the same through internet. Gaining immense popularity,...
What is Windows Azure and Why Use It?

What is Windows Azure and Why Use It?

Windows Azure or now known as Microsoft Azure is an open cloud platform that allows you to build, deploy, and manage applications quickly by means of a global network of the data centers managed by Microsoft. Interestingly, there are numerous cloud platforms by...
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