Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence are strategies that will create unique experience for the customers and businesses. Modern machines now a days are capable of successfully understanding human speech, competing at the highest level in strategic systems, autonomously operating cars and capable of optical character recognition. This ultimately assist machines to operate effectively with minimum monitoring and ultimately saving the cost of man hours. C-Metric assist its clients with the solutions through a unique blend of business acumen, big-data and machine learning.

As your AI consulting and development partner we provide solutions in the area of:

  1. Machine Learning: We serve our partners with Machine learning algorithms that are used in a wide variety of applications, especially in situations where it is difficult, to develop a conventional algorithm for performing the required task effectively.
  2. Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) : Our IVA solutions works with;
    a. Online Text (Catboats), SMS Text, e-mail or other text-based communication channel.
    b. Our Natural Language Processing IVA solutions enables the Voice input interpretation of human speech and its respond accordingly.
  3. Digital Image Processing: Our AI expertise also includes Digital Image Processing for functionalities like Image Classification, Image Feature extraction, Multi-scale signal analysis and Pattern recognition.
  4. Optical character recognition: Our OCR Solutions assist our clients in converting the manual process into digital one.


Google OCR library
Python pyocr
Python-tesseract tool
apache ant


BFSI Industry

C-Metric developed an AI system which would automate Client’s QA/QC system that would provide a proprietary platform to streamline and automate the review of loan files by validating the data for mortgage banks and loan originators. The client found it tough to align the pre-existed review processes structured in QA/QC system. The client roped in C-metric to make an automated process. C- Metric made it flexible for the Company to simplify the file review processes, henceforth decreasing turnaround time for file review.

NGO – Non Profit Organizations

The client is one of the non-profit organization working for the BIRD Welfare program. They are trying to classify bird species from the Audio Activities of birds captured by the pre-installed microphones. The end goal was to map the bird density and the impact of urbanization on animals. C-Metric developed a model which can perform Speaker Diarization and return the optimal number of clusters of the speakers from the audio file. Our system covers 55 bird vocalization samples and perform audio spectrum analysis technique.

Education Industry

One of the clients of C-Metric was looking for the solution which would facilitate the academics or tutors by providing quantitative feedback on the effectiveness of their teaching, and also monitor the behavior of their respective students. As a result C-Metric developed the cloud-based AI solution to analyze facial features of the human by using face detection and recognition techniques to gauge the effectiveness of the pieces of training conducted by vendors for his/her staff.

Retail Industry

In retail sector data related to shoppers behavior such as product positioning & display capture rate, time spent by shoppers in hot zones or queue zone, exact and typical shopper routes, layout optimization etc. are very important to take essential policy decisions. Hence client was looking for the development of the solution, which extracts structured information from raw video footage. The solution should provide video insights for retail supermarkets. As a result C-Metric provided the solution which uses deep learning to extract events from the video in a way a human would do it, in a fraction of time.

For this AI based advanced Video analysis, techniques are implemented in the system which includes object detection, object classification, extraction of object attributes and object tracking.


C-Metric team consists of senior executives with rich experience in implementation of AI solutions in different industries which benefits clients in terms of consultation for the right technology selection and process improvements.

C-Metric has an experienced and technically qualified team of 75 IT consultants, backed by a state of the art infrastructure with the capacity to scale up the operations to a larger scale.

C-Metric conducts information security audit and review policies on the regular basis to ensure the confidentiality and data security of client s business critical information.

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